What does mOca do?

MOCA works with individuals and companies in business development. We offer strategic support backed by a systematic and heart-centered approach, creating a business model that serves the life you’re trying to create and allows you to work in your strengths. Our hope is that we can help you work and live more intentionally, creating space for you to focus on what you love to do – the reason you started your business in the first place.


You’re working in a hundred areas where you don’t belong. Stay in your strengths, delegate the rest. Maybe you can do everything, but do you want to? Work in what brings you joy. Having a team allows us to offer a wide variety of business services. MOCA can help with social media, etc. etc. (see more here)

Strategic Partnership

It’s hard to do this alone. We can help with accountability and guidance from our expertise, workflows, systems, but also we have tons of experience from working with other clients – you’re joining a community of entrepreneurs who have been there, and you get to learn from them through working with us. MOCA is setup to provide the expertise and support of a whole team while maintaining the personal, relationship-based feel of working with one friendly person. Because connection matters! Over the years, we’ve built systems for how our workflows run based on experience and best practices. However, each system is built for customization. We don’t believe that there is “one right way” to market yourself, to build a website, etc. We’re here to guide you through our workflows, think through the details, and collaborate with you to truly represent YOU – your strengths, your heart, and your authentic self. Introduce the Connector, creators
(see more here – meet the team page)


Everything we do is based in systems. We believe that structure creates flexibility, and gives you the space to work where you want to work, stop scrambling, and find your own image of success. You’ll be set up to grow if you want to, vacation if you want to. Have the business that helps you build the life you want and do the work that you set out to do in the first place. Our workflows are backed by systems, built from experience, customized for you.


Before you enter into a partnership with MOCA, we want to make sure you understand how we work.

(more of an approach of we’re helping you create an intentional business where it doesn’t overrun your life, you’re not stressed and scrambling with urgent tasks, you’re not chasing shiny objects or overinflating opportunities that don’t align with your goals. So we’re not going to do that either.)

This is more of a partnership than a service rendered. We expect communication and collaboration from you to make this a success.

(state this part earlier and then have this as a tie back to we do it too while we’re trying to create it for you) We don’t do urgent work. Instead, we create systems and organization so that nothing has to be urgent. We’re dedicated to producing great work for our clients while living big, full lives so plan for there to be a turnaround time with our projects, calls, and email responses.

(see more – link to working with MOCA page)

Ready to get started?
Schedule a call with our founder, Jess.
(she’s friendly)


What does it look like to become a MOCA client?

Let’s get to know each other.
Before we dig into projects, we want to get to know you and understand your business. We believe that a fee-free conversation is an essential first step. If you’d like to learn more about working together, you can schedule a call here!

On our call, we will discuss potential projects and outline a workflow scope, then we can provide an estimate to complete the work. MOCA onboarding is $250 to get you set up in our systems and build a client profile (we’re in this for the long-haul!) You’ll be paired with one of our Connectors who will act as your cheerleader, the holder of your voice and your vision, and your main point of communication.

Can’t wait to meet you!